Optimise to fear nothing
I am 39 years and was born in Troyes, the historical capital city of Counts of Champagne, where I still live in.
My profile is a "jack of all trades" : a "geek" passive, from the world of web development and multimedia production; to which was added a part focused on uses, the sociology of organizations, collaborative work and community networks. I then took advantage of this dual role to move into IT project management, before having the opportunity to move towards ISMS.
During my 17 years of professional experience, I have had the opportunity to work in organizations of all sizes (multinational, SME, start-up, association), from different sectors of activity (in the private and the public sector), as an internal employee, external service provider and substitute teacher.
Outside job and ICT, I am interested in transports, oenology, science-fiction, walking and riding a bicycle.
You have interesting projects and you want we work together ? I would be pleased to join your teams in a 3 months delay.
ISMS project manager
Provexi | 01/2022 - today (3 years and 1 month)
IT project manager
Provexi | 05/2017 - 12/2021 (4 years and 7 months)
Consultant specialised in enterprise (social) networking
Orange Consulting | 09/2011 - 04/2017 (5 years and 8 months)
Design engineer
Alten | 09/2008 - 08/2011 (3 years)
Development engineer and webmarketing assistant (trainee)
Nelis | 02/2008 - 07/2008 (6 months)
Web developer (trainee)
Créacommunication | 04/2006 - 06/2006 (3 months)
Webmaster and event assistant (trainee)
UJB - Union des Jeunes Bragards | 04/2005 - 06/2005 (3 months)
Guest teacher
University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
09/2014 - 06/2020 (6 years)
Course given at the IUT of Troyes, in Diploma of Higher Education in Internet and Multimedia jobs and Higher Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Management
MSC Degree in Knowledge Engineering and Community Management
(2008)BSC Degree in Internet and Multimedia Engineering
(2006)Diploma of Higher Education in Services and Networks of Communication
(2005)Scientific baccalaureate (option Sciences of Engineer)
(2003)Mention "quite good"